AMI Canadian Vision Ipaired Curling Championship (CVICC)

Nov 8, 2022

Re: 2023 CVICC

Further to my recent telephone conversations that have taken place with the various local and provincial Blind Curling groups, I am saddened to report that the 2023 Canadian Vision Impaired Curling Championship (CVICC) will NOT be taking place.

As of November 8th, a firm commitment to attend was secured from only 4 rinks (including 2 from one province).

We fully understand and appreciate the pressures that Covid has challenged us all with. Not being able to curl for an extended period of time, age and vulnerability of many participants and stagnant fund raising efforts were identified as factors. We totally get it!

Let me assure you that the CCB remains committed to the sport of blind curling and its growth. If we can be of any assistance in that regard, please feel free to contact us.

In conclusion, we thank you all for your patience and support! This is especially true of our event sponsors. Let us all gear up for a successful event in 2024. We have a full year to plan, get ready and at long last kick Covid to the curb.

Corry Stuive

On behalf of CCB National Curling Committee

1.877.304.0968 ext. 550

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