BC Wildfires

Designated contacts of CCB B.C chapters,

Please forward the following information on to your chapter members.

From the National Office, we are watching the events unfold in your province and we are hoping that everyone in the affected areas are safe. If you are in immediate danger or are at risk, please vacate the area to your nearest evacuation site, emergency services centre or the nearest hospital.

We are concerned for everyone’s safety, and if you need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will do our best to put you in contact with the local emergency services where you are to ensure that you reach safety.

We will be compiling a list of emergency services contact numbers for those who may need help with getting from point A to point B, and we will have contact info for the local RCMP, police/fire/ambulance detachments in the evacuation zones, as well as Red Cross or evacuation center contact info. This info will be available on our social media sites, as well it will be emailed to the chapter contacts.

We will also expand that contact list as things progress to ensure we have the information that you may need during this crisis.

The CCB email account will be monitored by myself after hours, as is procedure for times such as these, so that we have an open line of communication with our members should they need information.

Please be safe. Keep in touch with one another. Check in on your fellow chapter members. And give us a shout. We will do our best to be of assistance.

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