A Survey by Persons with Disabilities for Persons with Disabilities
IDA Survey on Experience of Persons with Disabilities Adapting to COVID-19 Global Pandemic is available in English, Spanish and International Sign. More languages on the way!
Since the COVID-19 pandemic official announcement in March 2020, many surveys have been circulating at global, regional and national levels attempting to collect data on the experience of persons with disabilities. During this challenging time, documenting violations of human rights of persons with disabilities during the pandemic and gathering evidence of any good practice has been a key priority for the International Disability Alliance, our members and partners.
To hold governments accountable toward disability movement and with the support of the United Nations Partnership for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN PRPD), we have launched IDA survey on Experience of Persons with Disabilities Adapting to COVID-19 Global Pandemic, and invite all persons with disabilities around the world to dedicate some time to answer it, and share it widely within their networks.
What is different about this survey?
While many of you may have participated in surveys about COVID-19 before, there are a few things making IDA survey different:
- The survey is using plain language and is available in International Sign, so it is more accessible;
- The survey is for persons with disabilities only. Family members, support persons and allies can, of course, help persons with disabilities to answer the survey and also circulate it to persons with disabilities in their networks, but the survey is not documenting their experience;
- The questions of this survey have been developed by persons with disabilities and their representative organizations themselves including by contribution of under-represented groups including women with disabilities, indigenous persons with disabilities and persons with psychosocial disabilities.
- The survey is documenting various economic, social and cultural consequences of the pandemic as well as experience of persons with disabilities who have contracted COVID-19.
What should you do to participate?
- Click here to access the survey in English
- Click here to access the survey in English and International Sign
- Por favor haga click aquí para acceder a la encuesta en español
- Por favor haga click aquí para acceder a la encuesta en español y en lengua de señas internacional
- Please click here to access the survey in Arabic
- Please click here to access the survey in Creole
- Please click here to access the survey in French
- Please click here to access the survey in Portuguese
- Please click here to access the survey in Serbian
You can create an account, or answer the survey as a guest. Creating an account will give you the option to save your answers and come back to continue the survey later.
If you face any technical difficulties answering the survey, please send an email to idata@ida-secretariat.org
If you are not able to answer the survey through the online platform and need the word document, please email idata@ida-secretariat.org